The glass of infinite possibility

Typographic Design

Experimental projects. Taking glass as the material to explore the various possibilities of it. It is not clear what is expected from the experiment at the beginning of the project, but the inspiration from this experiment shall combine with the letter design to interpret the collision of the deliberation and coincidence.

From the origin, humans have recorded the language in many different ways such as tie knots, pictures, and carving, gradually developing into language.

Different civilizations of different regions  From the development of history, different areas have different habits. Text is one of the most suitable ways of presenting a combination of human and nature. So I had been thinking about uncontrollable or even accidental combinations of experimental fonts and nature.The glass breaks are full of randomness and I was thinking about how to combine people with nature, China has a total of 23 autonomous, 4 municipalities and 5 autonomous prefectures.At ordinary times I don’t like traveling. I prefer the glass to travel these places on behalf of me, hoping to record the “little episode” of the journey through the broken glass, which also agrees with the design’s interactivity, and it makes sure that the most representative letters are extracted in the broken glass in the package finally mailed back.Experimental projects. Taking glass as the material to explore the various possibilities of it. It is not clear what is expected from the experiment at the beginning of the project, but the inspiration from this experiment shall combine with the letter design to interpret the collision of the deliberation and coincidence.

Experiment with natural

I tried to discover the state of glass under different natural conditions, and I found that in a natural environment, the glass would reflect the environment around as a mirror does, and the glass would try to integrate into the natural environment, but because of its special nature and its edge of the geometric lines, it enjoys the special aesthetic in nature environment. I wanted to take these beautiful moments when I took pictures.

After deciding on the letter design out of the coincident form of the glass, I hoped to add some fun into this project. Finally, I decided to take the express as a medium There is no rule of the cracking of the glass, so I would like to add more uncontrollable factors in the project, thus I choose to transport this glass by express without labeling the Fragile sign on it, and it could be damaged in this way